Key components that provide foundation for a succesful eCommerce website

Careful planning, a well-executed website build, products that customers want, a seamless customer journey and a fast-loading website are key components that ensure your eCommerce website meets your objectives and drives sales.

foundations of ecommerce shop

1. Some questions to ask during the planning stage

  • Do you already have a well-established offering or is the business a start-up
  • What kind of products/services are you selling
  • How competitive is the marketplace
  • Who is your ideal customer
  • Is your brand perceived in a positive manner
  • Are there any barriers ie expensive shipping

2. What kind of products are you offering?

In general products are often referred to as simple or variable, and this applies to all manner of back-end systems that are used to manage your ecommerce store.

Simple Products – is a standalone item with a fixed price and no variations, it represents a single item that customers can purchase.

Variable Products – has multiple variations, such as different sizes, colours, or other attributes. Instead of creating separate listings for each variation you can create one variable product and define its attributes.

Customers can then select their desired options from dropdown menus on the product page.

3. Where are you positioning your offering within the marketplace?

Positioning your website effectively within the marketplace is essential for achieving success in eCommerce. It impacts visibility, competitive advantage, trust, target audience reach and long-term success.

Factors that have bearing on positioning include:

  • Highlighting unique selling points, such as product quality, pricing
  • Customers are more likely to make purchases from websites they trust
  • Understanding your target market’s preferences and behaviours
  • Consistency in across all touchpoints helps reinforce your brand identity and build brand recognition
  • By continually monitoring market trends, customer preferences, and competitor strategies, you can adapt your positioning strategy to remain relevant and competitive

4. WooCommerce provides a solid platform for your shop

WooCommerce is a versatile and robust eCommerce solution that offers a wide range of features and customisation options. It is a popular choice for building online stores because of its flexibility, ease of use, and the ability to integrate seamlessly with WordPress.

Benefits of using Woocommerce:

  • Integrates with the WordPress content management system (CMS)
  • Highly scalable and can grow with your business
  • Provides an intuitive admin interface that makes it easy for store owners to manage products
  • WooCommerce prioritises security, and it receives regular updates
  • Supports a wide range of payment gateways, including PayPal and Stripe plus many others
  • Manage your product inventory, track stock levels, and receive notifications
  • Built-in reporting tools that allow you to track sales and customer behaviour

In summary a successful eCommerce website combines a user-friendly experience, high-quality products and effective marketing strategies to attract customers.

Let’s Talk – Get in touch to find out how we can help.

Get in Touch

We work with a wide range of businesses including:

Petworth Festival
Heathside Travel
eBike Motor Centre
Urban & Country Homes
Motorhome Heroes

Common challenges when it comes to tackling a new website…

Several of our customers have in the past decided to manage / build their own website and this brings many challenges and limitations. In the short term the web-based solution meets the initial requirements.

However in most cases the website has been poorly planned and the scope of work doesn’t include all the required detail, and ultimately this results in a poorly performing website that doesn’t meet the challenges that the business faces or delivers effective traffic, sales and customer engagement.

Some key “barriers” business owners face include the following:

  • Remit and scope of work poorly defined
  • Looking at business from inward perspective
  • Poorly written content
  • Insufficient / poor quality website photography
  • Doesn’t have a dedicated member of staff to oversee the project

Overcome barriers identifying Scope of Work

A poor scope of work can indeed be a significant barrier to achieving a successful website. Here are some common issues that may arise from a poorly defined scope of work.

To overcome these barriers and ensure the success of your website project, it’s essential to invest time and effort into creating a comprehensive and detailed scope of work. This should include clear project objectives, deliverables, timelines, budget constraints, technical requirements, acceptance criteria, and roles and responsibilities for all stakeholders involved.

Businesses can better align their products, services, and strategies and adopt a more outward looking perspective

A web designer, especially those with experience working across various industries, can provide an objective viewpoint detached from internal biases and preconceptions. They can analyse business requirements from the perspective of end-users, considering factors such as usability, accessibility, and user experience.

The benefits include:

  • User-Centric Approach
  • Creative Problem-Solving
  • Cross-Industry Experience
  • Focus on Visual Communication
  • Technical Expertise

Overall, leveraging the external perspective of web designer can complement the internal insights of the business, resulting in a more comprehensive understanding of requirements and ultimately leading to the development of a successful objectives.

Poorly written website content can indeed have a detrimental impact

Poorly written content can make it challenging for visitors to navigate the website and find the information they are looking for. This can result in a frustrating user experience, leading to increased bounce rates and decreased time spent on the site.

  • Confusion and Misunderstanding
  • Loss of Credibility
  • Difficulty in Navigation
  • Impact on SEO
  • Decreased Conversion Rates
  • Inconsistent Brand Voice

Any credible web designer or content creator will prioritise well-written, authoritative content that is clear, concise, and user-focused. In summary, well-written web content not only enhances usability by providing clear and engaging information but also boosts SEO by improving search engine rankings, attracting organic traffic, and increasing user engagement metrics.

Poor quality imagery can have a detrimental impact on a website in several ways

Poor quality imagery undermines the overall effectiveness of a website by creating a negative impression, diminishing visual appeal, impairing user experience, weakening brand identity, reducing engagement.

Poor quality images fail to engage and captivate users:

  • Negative First Impression
  • Diminished User Experience
  • Decreased Engagement
  • Negative Perception of Products or Services
  • Impact on SEO

Whereas the impact good quality imagery has many positive outcomes!

Good quality imagery is essential for the success of a web-based project as it enhances visual appeal, improves user experience, increases engagement, communicates brand identity, boosts credibility, drives conversions.

The team at Giraffe have worked on several websites where a photo-shoot was identified as a essential requirement, which in turn provides the business with a unique image library for use on all promotional activities both web based and offline.

Business owners may lack the technical expertise required to manage a web project

Without experience in web development processes, business owners may struggle to create comprehensive project plans, set realistic timelines, and allocate resources effectively.

The team at Giraffe immerses ourselves into the project in question, we evaluate your needs objectively with a fresh perspective, formulate a plan and execute a solution so your website is a tool to grow their business – whether that’s an increase in brand visibility, building sales or streamlining operations.

In Summary

By addressing these common barriers and challenges proactively, businesses can increase their chances of successfully tackling a new website project and achieving their online goals.

Let’s Talk – Get in touch to find out how we can help.

Get in Touch

We work with a wide range of businesses including:

Petworth Festival
Heathside Travel
eBike Motor Centre
Urban & Country Homes
Motorhome Heroes

Behind the scenes of a successful eCommerce website

There are many factors that contribute to a successful eCommerce website, type of product, your standing within the marketplace, whether a new or existing business, brand perception and is your business authoritative (this needs thinking)

Careful planning, a well executed build (we use WordPress and WooCommerce) and ongoing optimisation are 3 key factors.

key factors for a succesful ecommerce web site

Planning your website to meet your Objectives

Key considerations when planning include the type of Products which can have variations or be standalone as this forms the basis of what your customers are looking for when they visit your website.

  • Product variations
  • Good quality imagery
  • Accurate product descriptions / specifications
  • Shipping criterea
  • Payment gateway

By focusing on the customer experience, quality products, and effective marketing all helps to delivering a successful eCommerce website which has:

  • Offer high-quality products that meet customer needs and demands
  • A clean and User-Friendly Design
  • Fast loading times
  • High quality product images and accurate descriptions
  • Use compelling Calls To Action throughout the website

Remember that building a successful eCommerce shop is an ongoing process. Regularly assess your website’s performance, gather customer feedback, and adapt your strategies to meet changing market demands and customer expectations.

WooCommerce provide a solid platform for your Store (Store Build)

WooCommerce is a versatile and robust eCommerce solution that offers a wide range of features and customisation options. It is a popular choice for building online stores because of its flexibility, ease of use, and the ability to integrate seamlessly with WordPress.

Benefits of using Woocommerce

  • Integrates with the WordPress content management system (CMS)
  • Highly scalable and can grow with your business
  • Provides an intuitive admin interface that makes it easy for store owners to manage products
  • WooCommerce prioritises security, and it receives regular updates
  • Supports a wide range of payment gateways, including PayPal and Stripe plus many others
  • Manage your product inventory, track stock levels, and receive notifications
  • Built-in reporting tools that allow you to track sales and customer behaviour

Ongoing eCommerce website Optimisation

Consistent branding and design are essential for building a strong and enduring online presence, they contribute to brand recognition, trust, and loyalty while enhancing the user experience.

By monitoring website performance, gathering user feedback and using website analytics to track user behaviour and conversion rates help ensure your eCommerce website continues to provide a positive user experience.

Top Tips for planning a website and User Experience

  1. Look at other websites to see what you like, and what you don’t
  2. Take the time to get to know, like and trust your website designer
  3. Be clear on what you want your website to be and do
  4. Website creation content and logo – hand over those tasks you simply can’t do
  5. Get professional branding photos
  6. Stick to the website creation project plan
  7. Your website is always a work in progress

Let’s Talk – Get in touch to find out how we can help.

Get in Touch

We work with a wide range of businesses including:

Petworth Festival
Heathside Travel
eBike Motor Centre
Urban & Country Homes
Motorhome Heroes

Creating a positive User Experience is essential for meeting your business challenges

Over the last 12 months the team at Giraffe have worked on several web projects where the business in question was relying on a website that did not engage well with users and was almost detrimental to the business.

Some key principles that Giraffe follows to help our customers meet their business challenges includes:

  • What are your key objectives
  • Understand your audience
  • Clear and user friendly navigation
  • Responsive design
  • Fast loading times
  • Consistent use of branding and design
  • Readable and engaging content
  • Become the authoritative voice within your industry

Each project brings its own challenges however understanding key objectives, repositioning the brand and creating a far more effective online shop has helped transform several of our clients businesses.

creating a positive user experience

What are your business Objectives?

One of the first steps when Giraffe starts a web project is to sit down with the business and immerse ourselves into what they do, quite often the owners / managers are looking at the problem from wrong perspective.

So we ask lots of questions and look at the task in hand as if we are the customer, and this process helps gather all the necessary information that forms the basis of the task.

A good example of this is Motorhome Heroes

The first phase of the project was to design a new brand identity, during initial meetings it was clear the venture required a new identity and the name “Motorhome Heroes” was created, to be the nationwide platform to promote the motorhome windscreen services.

The second phase was the website design and we immersed ourselves into all aspects of the business to fully understand how somebody goes about looking for these specialist services, and how the team at “Motorhome Heroes” takes care of everything from insurance claims to direct enquiries.

The initial planning included Giraffe and the senior management where ideas were sketched out that enabled the business to see what the pages would look like. This then developed into the design stage, where further client feedback was gathered and finally the new website was launched after the development stage.

Consistent use of branding and design

Consistent branding and design are essential for building a strong and enduring online presence, they contribute to brand recognition, trust, and loyalty while enhancing the user experience.

A good example of this is eBike Motor Centre

The eBike Motor Centre illustrates how a poorly performing and unengaging website can be transformed into a professional looking website that is generating increased sales and has significantly raised the company profile.

The first phase was the creation of a new company identity that positioned the business within the industry more effectively. The eBike sector is growing at a fast rate and the new branding aligns far better within the sector and also created stronger recognition and loyalty.

Since the new company branding was launched back in November 2022 the business has grown from a “garden shed” type operation to once that now encompasses new partnerships with leading bike manufacturers, to the point where the business is the sole UK service partner which is moving the business on leaps and bounds.

A website is a tool for growth and positive user Experience

A good example of this is eBike Motor Centre

The eBike Motor Centre illustrates how a poorly performing and unengaging website can be transformed into a professional looking website that is generating increased sales and has significantly raised the company profile.

Prior to the team at Giraffe coming onboard and developing a new web presence for the ebike Motor Company, the business had relied on a self-built site that although gave a online presence was slow and somewhat confusing for users.

Once the new brand identity was designed we were then able to concentrate on the eCommerce part to provide an engaging and easy-to-use experience for customers.

Our bespoke design met the business objectives which included:

  • Easy to navigate
  • Product information was migrated from old site to new one
  • Checkout and payment was streamlined
  • Fast loading website enhancing user experience

Top Tips for planning a website and User Experience

  1. Look at other websites to see what you like, and what you don’t
  2. Take the time to get to know, like and trust your website designer
  3. Be clear on what you want your website to be and do
  4. Website creation content and logo – hand over those tasks you simply can’t do
  5. Get professional branding photos
  6. Stick to the website creation project plan
  7. Your website is always a work in progress

Let’s Talk – Get in touch to find out how we can help.

Get in Touch

We work with a wide range of businesses including:

Petworth Festival
Heathside Travel
eBike Motor Centre
Urban & Country Homes
Motorhome Heroes

Why we use WordPress as our prefered CMS of choice…

We don’t consider a website as “just a website”, it’s more than that: it’s a toolbox full of the useful mechanisms that solve business challenges and aligns with your business processes.

The team at Giraffe specialise in bespoke built websites based on the WordPress platform, which provides all the functionality we require to deliver solutions that meet business challenges.

why we use wordpress as our CMS of choice

Bespoke Design

Following the project brief we proceed to design visuals showing all the core pages required for the website that meet the clients objectives in providing a solution that is both engaging and user friendly to deliver the right outcome.

Custom blocks and theme settings

We use WordPress as the core framework and then build custom theme that includes the various compoment parts of the website, such as ‘hero” slider, header and footer, customisable blocks, gallery, blog, forms etc

By using ACF (advanced custom fields) we are able to create various component parts that follow the intended design. These components are interchangeable and allow the required web pages to be built with a great deal of flexibility. Its almost like we create a kit of parts that enable the site admin to create endless pages in a fairly idiot proof manner.

Minimal Plugins / Future proof

WordPress is a widely used platform with thousands of available plugins that provide a host of functions, however we use minimal plugins that ensure our bespoke websites are both functional and have the required features but also ensure the website performance is not affected and reduces potential security risks from hackers.

Our Bespoke Website are Optimised for Performance

A well coded theme with a light footprint is an essential part of ensuring a website loads quickly and provides an excellent user experience. Other aspects that help performance include; optimising images prior to uploading, enabling caching to reduce server load times, combining CSS and JavaScript files and following best practise to protect site from potential attacks can all impact website performance.

Giraffe hosting offers superior website performance

We provide hosting and ongoing support and our dedicated server is excellent choice for large websites, e-commerce platforms, web applications with high traffic, and businesses with specific hosting needs and is far better than a shared server when you require high performance, resource control, security, customization, scalability, and reliability.

A client recently referred to me as a “Wise Giraffe” for the way the Giraffe team guided her along the website process, how we put a plan in place, reminded her to keep to the schedule and delivered a solution both client and we are proud of.

Let’s Talk – Get in touch to find out how we can help.

Get in Touch

We work with a wide range of businesses including:

Petworth Festival
Heathside Travel
eBike Motor Centre
Urban & Country Homes
Motorhome Heroes

The Giraffe Story

A little bit about Stewart and Giraffe to start with…

Stewart owner of Giraffe Design in Bournemouth

Giraffe Design or “Giraffe” began in April 1999 and started out as an artworker providing holiday cover for several local agencies, and I soon started helping local businesses with web-based projects and quickly taught myself the basics for web design.

What we do…

Design bespoke websites, write engaging content, create stand out branding and SEO strategies

  • We immerse ourselves into the business…
  • We recognise your uniqueness…
  • Formulate a plan…
  • Look at a business need objectively…
  • Take on those challenges, leaving you time to do what you do best, develop your products, services and customer relationships and grow your business

We provide our clients with websites they can use as a tool to grow, whether that’s to increase brand visibility, build sales or streamline operations.

Our unwavering dedication and passion delivers solutions for a wide range of businesses and organisations that drives; sales, greater usability and awareness within the intended marketplace.

The ‘process’ is to listen, form a plan of action and execute to the highest standards in order to meet the business’s aspirations.

Achieve better outcomes

When you decide to use Giraffe I like to think we become a team, as I have found that both professionally and in sporting pursuits the best results come from teamwork, good communication and the pursuit of a shared vision.

As a business owner myself I understand many of the challenges businesses face, and for too long worked with a blinkers on attitude myself, but have realised when you talk through issues/problems or just get a colleagues opinion, you get a fresh perspective, greater clarity and confidence to tackle anything.

In summary

We don’t consider a website as “just a website” it’s more than that… it’s a toolbox full of useful mechanisms that solve business challenges and aligns with your day-to-day business processes.

A client recently referred to me as a “Wise Giraffe” for the way the Giraffe team guided her along the website process, how we put a plan in place, reminded her to keep to the schedule and delivered a solution both client and we are proud of.

Let’s Talk – Get in touch to find out how we can help.

Get in Touch

We work with a wide range of businesses including:

Petworth Festival
Heathside Travel
eBike Motor Centre
Urban & Country Homes
Motorhome Heroes